
,2023年2月5日—Changethenumberofversionstodeletepreviousversionsandfreeupspace.GotoDSM>SynologyDriveAdminConsole>TeamFolder.Select ...,EmptyingtheRecycleBinmaynotimmediatelyfreeupspace.Thesystemneedstimetoreclaimunusedspacefromdeletedsharedfolders.Ifthereisstill ...,2022年8月3日—EmptyingtheRecycleBinmaynotimmediatelyfreeupspace.Thesystemneedstimetoreclaimunusedspacefromdeletedsharedfolder...

The storage space in Synology Drive Server is nearly full ...

2023年2月5日 — Change the number of versions to delete previous versions and free up space. Go to DSM > Synology Drive Admin Console > Team Folder. Select ...

I deleted files, but it does not free up the storage space. ...

Emptying the Recycle Bin may not immediately free up space. The system needs time to reclaim unused space from deleted shared folders. If there is still ...

I deleted files, but it does not free up the storage space. What ...

2022年8月3日 — Emptying the Recycle Bin may not immediately free up space. The system needs time to reclaim unused space from deleted shared folders. If there ...

Synology NAS

2023年9月13日 — Deleting the file from the destination folder if it is still being seeded would not delete the actual file and wouldn't free up any disk space ...

Deleted 2.5TB of data but no space freed up

2019年10月24日 — In Synology go to the folder that you deleted the data in. There should be a recycle folder. All deleted data is put in there. you need to go ...

Synology not freeing up space after deleting

2020年4月28日 — just go into File Station and then the share you deleted files from and see if you have a #recycle folder. if so, then you need to either ...

FreeFileSync 13.5 檔案同步免費軟體

FreeFileSync 13.5 檔案同步免費軟體
